Sunday, August 30, 2020

Iterable and Iterator in Python using Aladdin story.


Generally we use for-loops to iterate or traverse across the elements within a List or Tuples.

In the for-loop after processing the first element in the list control moves to the next element , this process of traveling from one element to other is called Iteration. For loop works in the same way for Tuples,  Dictionaries, Strings and Sets.

There are two ways to do the same iteration process without using For-Loop. The first method is Indexing 

But this indexing method can be used only for List,Tuples and strings.They cannot be used for Sets and Dictionaries because they are unordered.


Iterator Protocol:

The second method we can use is Iterator protocol. Iterator protocol is nothing but working with Iterator and Iterable. Most of us are confused with these two terms Iterable and Iterator.

Let’s have a close look at them now.

Everything that we can loop over is called a Iterable. In the above fig of for Loop list is an iterable.

Now these Iterables do give us the Iterators. They do give these iterators using a function Iter().Iterable usually call this Inbuilt function iter() and generate the Iterator. Using this Iterator we can traverse across the individual elements in the Iterable.

Let’s use our friend Aladdin to explain this Iterable concept.

Consider Aladdin as the Literable and the Genie as the iterator which does things for Aladin.Aladdin brings the Genie out using the Magic lamp, so now the magic lamp is our ITER() object.



 Aladdin → Iterable

Magic Lamp → Iter()

Genie → Iterator

In the above example the list is the iterable and it uses the iter(list) function to create an iterator for list. Now we can use the Next(iterator) to extract individual element of the iterable.

Let's meet again for another post on Generators.





Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Apache Spark Architecture and processing in breif

As we know, Spark runs on Master-Slave Architecture.
Let’s see the step by step process
1.First step the moment  we submit a Spark JOB via the Cluster Mode, Spark-Submit utility will interact with the Resource Manager to Start the Application Master.
2. Then there is a Spark Driver Programme which runs on the Application Master container and it  has no dependency with the client Machine, even if we turn-off the client machine, Spark Job will be up and running.
3.Spark Driver Programme further interacts with the Resource Manger to start the containers to process the data.
4. The Resource Manager will then allocate containers and Spark Driver Programme would start executors on all the allocated containers and assigns tasks to run.
5. Executors will interact directly with the Spark Driver Programme and once the tasks are finished on each of the executors, containers along with the tasks will be released and the output will be collected by the Spark Driver Programme.
6.Here the container where the Application Master runs acts as Master node and the containers where all the executor process runs the tasks are called Slave Node.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Chi-Square test for Dependency between categorical variables( Independent and target variable)

A most common problem we come across Machine learning is determining whether input features are relevant to the outcome to be predicted. This is the problem of feature selection.

In the case of classification problems where input variables are also categorical, we can use statistical tests to determine whether the output variable is dependent or independent of the input variables.

       “ Categorical variable is a variable that can take on one of a limited, and usually fixed, number of possible values.”

Pearson’s chi-squared statistical hypothesis is an example of a test for independence between categorical variables.
We take an example : Is gender independent of education level? A random sample of 395 people were surveyed and each person was asked to report the highest education level they obtained. The data that resulted from the survey is summarized in the following table:

High School

This  table is called a contingency tableby Karl Pearson, because the intent is to help determine whether one variable is contingent upon or depends upon the other variable

The Chi-Squared test is a statistical hypothesis test that assumes (the null hypothesis) that the observed frequenciesfor a categorical variable match the expected frequenciesfor the categorical variable. The Chi-Squared test does this for a contingency table, first calculating the expected frequencies for the groups, then determining whether the division of the groups, called the observed frequencies, matches the expected frequencies.

The resultof the test is a test statisticthat has a chi-squared distribution and can be interpreted to reject or fail to reject the assumption or null hypothesis that the observed and expected frequencies are the same.
When observed frequency is far from the expected frequency, the corresponding term in the sum is large; when the two are close, this term is small. Large values of Chi-squareindicate that observed and expected frequencies are far apart. Small values of **Chi-square** mean the opposite: observed are close to expected.

        “ The variables are considered independent if the observed and expected frequencies are similar, that the levels of the variables do not interact, are not dependent.

we can interpret the dependency of the variables  in two ways
1.      Using test statistic
2.      Using P-value

1.Using Test-statistic
We can interpret the test statistic in the context of the chi-squared distribution with the requisite number of degress of freedom as follows: **
  • If Statistic >= Critical Valuesignificant result, reject null hypothesis (H0), dependent.
  • If Statistic < Critical Valuenot significant result, fail to reject null hypothesis (H0), independent.
The degrees of freedom for the chi-squared distribution is calculated based on the size of the contingency table as:

                     degrees of freedom: (rows - 1) * (cols - 1)

2.Using P-value
In terms of a p-value and a chosen significance level (alpha), the test can be interpreted as follows:
  • If p-value <= alphasignificant result, reject null hypothesis (H0), dependent.
  • If p-value > alphanot significant result, fail to reject null hypothesis (H0), independent.
For the test to be effective, at least five observations are required in each cell of the contingency table.

Monday, March 16, 2020

TF-IDF algorithm ( Natural Language Processing)


  TF-IDF stands for Term frequency and inverse document frequency and is one of the most popular and effective Natural Language Processing techniques. This technique allows you to estimate the importance of the term for the term (words) relative to all other terms in a text.

CORE IDEA:   If a term appears in some text frequently, and rarely in any other text – this term has more importance for this text.

This technique uses TF(Term frequency)  and IDF(Inverse document frequency) algorithms:
  • TF – shows the frequency of the term in the text, as compared with the total number of the words in the text.
  • IDF – is the inverse frequency of terms in the text. It simply displays the importance of each term. It is calculated as a logarithm of the number of texts divided by the number of texts containing this term.

TF-IDF algorithm: 
  1. Evaluate the TF-values for each term (word).
  2. Extract the IDF-values for these terms.
  3. Get TF-IDF values for each term: by multiplying TF by IDF.
  4. We get a dictionary with calculated TF-IDF for each term.
The algorithm for TF-IDF calculation for one word is shown on the diagram.

The results of the same algorithm for three simple sentences with the TF-IDF technique are shown below.

The advantages of this vectorization technique:
  • Unimportant terms will receive low TF-IDF weight (because they are frequently found in all texts) and important – high.
  • It is simple to evaluate important terms and stop-words in text.

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